設計及動畫創作,品牌形象,項目管理,創意設計及諮詢服務 •
Design and Creative Animation, Brand Building, Event Management, Innovative Design and Consultancy Services
Tel.: (852) 5540 1222, 9128 0129 Fax: (852) 2887 9368
Email: peter2u@netvigator.com
拍拍手創作室• 尚創作
關於 ✨拍拍手創作室 & ✨尚創作
✨伍尚豪 (Peter Ng) 多元藝術家
曾分別憑《三文魚先生》及《蒲公英》奪得ifva動畫組金獎及銀獎。設計了商業電台節目《芝see菇bi Family》中膾炙人口的角色「苦榮」和「小苦妹」及漫畫創作,亦曾為香港郵政設計「兒童五感」主題郵票作官方發行。亦曾為港台電視節目《漫畫長路》作動畫總監丶及任香港插畫師協會會長2016-2018。另外,亦曾為多個藝術相關之比賽作評審。
Peter創立的「拍拍手創作室」致力推動跨界合作,開拓本地插畫丶動畫和設計的多元化創作,曾與 多個著名品牌(包括Volkswagen,香港藝術中心、Levi’s、Kirin Co. Ltd., )丶機構和政府部門合作,把藝術運用於多個範疇,例如「藝術在醫院」以藝術作橋樑為長者服務丶為著名汽車品牌在香港藝博會(Affordable Art Fair)以水墨畫的形式即席揮毫丶為「香港花展2019」設計主題花壇丶及透過動畫向王司馬的經典漫畫《牛仔》致敬等等……
✨Mr. Peter NG, the founder of Pai Pai Shou Studio.
He has won the Gold and Silver Awards in ifva (Animation Category) with Mr. Salmon and Dandelion respectively. He was the winner of the 2004 My Hong Kong Banknote Design Competition co-organised by HSBC and the Hong Kong Heritage Museum.
In 2005, he took part in the making of i-city with nine other animators. He has also worked on the character design and comic creation for G C Goo-bi Family, one of the famous programmes of Commercial Radio. He was also invited,by Hongkong Post to design stamps with different themes for official issue, and has also collaborated with many famous brands and organisations, including Volkswagen, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Levi’s, Kirin Co. Ltd., Arts in Hospital, MTR, and various government departments etc.. He was also the animation director of the RTHK programme Comic Road, and has served as the judge in various art competitions. The Chairman of the Hong Kong Society of Illustrators 2016-2018.